All Star Tower Defense Discord | How To Join ASTD Discord?

If you have played Roblox games, you might know its wide range. All star tower Defense Discord(ASTD Discord) is also a part of Roblox games. In this post, we will cover everything about the All Star Tower Defense Discord.

The All Star Tower Defence is an important part of the all-star lineup as it provides the defense to all its characters. You can receive defense and protection from All Star Tower Defense(ASTD) from different mangas and animes, which include Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, One Piece, and Dragon Ball Z. You can join the Discord server of the ASTD as well.

We will be going through the process of All Star Tower Defense Discord(ASTD discord). We will find the official server of ASTD and how to join it. What are the codes used in the ASTD and the rules of the Discord server? So, without further ado, let’s start.

What Is All Star Tower Defense Discord (ASTD Discord)?

The All Star Tower Defense Discord(ASTD discord) is your defense tower in the Roblox games. It comes with the Discord server that helps the users to remain connected with the All Star Tower Defense Discord(ASTD discord). It is of prime importance in the game.

All Star Tower Defense Discord Link

You should always make sure that you should join the right and all star tower defense discord official Discord link of astd discord server. You should avoid clicking on unsafe links as they can cause damage and hacks.

How To Join The All Star Tower Defence Discord Link?

If you are new to Discord and are finding a way to join the Discord server, then here is a quick guide for you to join the All Star Tower Defense Discord server.

To join the All Star Tower Defense Discord Server > Discord Account > Login > Link > Accept Invite > I am Human 

Step 1: Open your Discord Account 

Step 2: Login into your Discord Account

Step 3: Click On the link to join the All Star Tower Defense Discord Server.

Step 4: Click on Accept Invite

Step 5: Check on I Am Human box

Step 6: Voila! You have joined the All Star Tower Defense Discord Server.

All Star Tower Defense Discord Codes

Here are the updated working codes of the All Star Tower Defense Discord(ASTD discord).

  • 1millikes – Redeem to get 650 Gems & an Omega rare IV (New code)
  • summerwoo2022 – Redeem to get 750 Gems (New code)
  • owouch – Redeem to get 400 Gems.
  • changesjune – Redeem to get 450 Gems.
  • stardustupdate—Redeem for 5000 Gems (New)
  • Hooray50k—Redeem for 400 Gems
  • ASTDDragonoidBakugan—Redeem for a Dragonoid Mount

All Star Tower Defense Discord Rules

all star tower defense discord

Here are the rules that should be followed if you have joined the All Star Defense Discord (ASTD discord) Rules.

Rule 1: Toxicity and/or Harassment are not allowed

– This can come in many different forms, such as excessive non-playful insults to a person, bothering them excessively, badmouthing them while they are outside of chat, acting like you’re superior, attacking someone in DMs, etc. If you are toxic outside of the server but it is towards someone who is also in the Wiki, you may be punished depending on the situation.

Rule 2: NSFW and other suggestive content are banned on the server.

– Talking about NSFW topics such as porn and hentai will lead to a warning, mute, or a ban, depending on severity. Sharing NSFW codes and links are also prohibited. Keep the chat appropriate at all times.

Rule 3: Spamming, Chaining, and Flooding chats are not allowed.

– Posting long chains of text, chaining messages (ex., one person says Banana and others repeat after), and spamming will lead to an instant mute.

Rule 4: Be careful with the media you post

– These means do not post things that can cause seizures (flashing lights), gore/excessive blood, earrape, jumpscares, or other things that are disturbing/disgusting to look at. If you put a warning and spoiler tag on it, it can be acceptable if it is earrape, jumpscares, or seizure-inducing.

Rule 5: No racist, transphobic, homophobic, or any other xenophobic statements

– Using slurs or saying any other offensive statements will get you banned. Your race does not matter when you say slurs.

Rule 6: No Advertising

– Asking people to join servers, dming people invite links without them asking for it, or promoting any other form of media is prohibited and will lead to an instant ban.

Rule 7: Names and nicknames.

Using spammy nicknames that in some way occupants more space than the average nickname should be unacceptable. Using filtered words as usernames will have the same punishment as if you said them in chat.

Rule 8: No Elitism.

– Any sort of elitism is prohibited. Using your roles as a sign of superiority and using it in a toxic manner will lead to a warning and/or mute, depending on severity. Repeated elitism may lead to a ban.

Rule 9: The Common Sense Rule.

– If a lot of other servers don’t allow something, it is most likely banned here too. Even if a thing is not in the rules, it does not give you permission to do it.

Examples include but are not limited to: Spoiling a series/movie without proper spoiler tags, impersonating people without their consent, not following Discord’s/ROBLOX’s ToS (Terms of Service), etc.

Wrapping Up

Here we conclude our post on All Star Tower Defense Discord(ASTD discord). We have discussed about the Official Discord server of ASTD, how you can join it and its codes. Always follow the rules of the Discord server else you can get yourself blocked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does All Star Tower Defense Have A Discord Server?

The All Star Tower Defense Discord is your defence tower in the Roblox games. It comes with the Discord server that helps the users to remain connected with the All Star Tower Defense Discord. It is of prime importance in the game.  Here is the official link to the All Star Tower Defense Discord server.

Q2. What Is Discord In All Star Tower Defense (ASTD Discord)?

If you are new to Discord and are finding a way to join the Discord server, then here is a quick guide for you to join the All Star Tower Defense Discord server.
To join the All Star Tower Defence Discord Server > Discord Account > Login > Link > Accept Invite > I am Human 

Q3. What Is The Strongest Unit In ASTD 2022?

The characters are divided into 4 tiers.
Tier S
Tier A
Tier B
Tier C
The Strongest one is tier S.

Q4. What Are The New Codes Of The All Star Defense Discord Server?

Here are the updated working codes of the All Star Tower Defence Discord(ASTD discord).
1millikes – Redeem to get 650 Gems & an Omega rare IV (New code)
summerwoo2022 – Redeem to get 750 Gems (New code)
owouch – Redeem to get 400 Gems.
changesjune – Redeem to get 450 Gems.
stardustupdate—Redeem for 5000 Gems (New)
Hooray50k—Redeem for 400 Gems
ASTDDragonoidBakugan—Redeem for a Dragonoid Mount

Koushal Jaral

Koushal is an Associate Content Writer at Virescencerecord. He is one of the most passionate writers whose fondness for video games has made him write about trending Video Games, their live streaming & Discord, daily for a living. Any How to, FAQ, or any other troubleshoot for any Video Game is available with Koushal 24x7.

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